South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment  (JuDig)

Third Call for Papers

Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

and Language Resources and Technologies Society (JeRTeh)

are glad to announce that

The International Conference 

South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment  (JuDig)

will be held  on 21–23  November 2024 at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

The aim of the conference is to foster networking and to provide a forum for high-quality research in all (sub)domains of computational linguistics and related topics, with the special focus on language resources and technologies available for Serbian and other South Slavic and Balkan languages. During the conference, a number of thematically oriented workshops will be organised. All conference sessions will be held in a hybrid mode.

Invited Speakers:

Prof. Agata Savary, University of Paris-Saclay

Prof. Svetla Koeva, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Cvetana Krstev, JeRTeh


  • Named-entity recognition (NER)
  • Corpus Query Language (CQL)
  • Corpus analysis (TXM and other tools)

Abstract submission

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations, followed by a 10-minute discussion, on any of the following topics, including but not limited to:

  • IT processing of South Slavic languages
  • Digital corpora of South Slavic languages
  • Language resources for South Slavic languages
  • Language technologies for South Slavic languages
  • Grammar and lexicon of South Slavic languages ​​in the context of NLP
  • Artificial intelligence, language models and processing of South Slavic languages
  • Digital humanities

Abstracts may be written in English or in any South Slavic language, and should not exceed 400 words, including examples and figures. They should have 2.5 cm or 1 inch margins and be written in a font size not smaller than 12 pt. The abstracts, including authors’ name, affiliation and email address should be sent as a doc(x) or pdf file to till 31 May 2024 21 June 2024.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024 21 June 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 1 July 2024 15 July 2024
  • Registration: September – October 2024
  • Conference dates: 21–23 November 2024

Registration fee

  • Regular: 70 euro
  • Reduced: 35 euro (PhD students, scholars from war and conflict zones, accompanying persons)

The registration fee includes the conference pack, refreshments, welcome reception and the conference dinner. Registration will start on 1 September 2024.

Conference Proceedings

All full papers sent for conference proceedings will be accepted through a double blind review process and will be published electronically.

More information is available on the website

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