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I want to bring to your attention an open source Aya project, supported by Cohere.AI. Aya is an initiative that aims to build a state of art multilingual generative language model; that harnesses the collective wisdom and contributions of people from all over the world. More details: https://txt.cohere.com/aya-multilingual/

Today, specifically, I would like to ask you a favour, as the Serbian language is one of the least represented languages in our database, yet still very important. I wonder if you could help us reach out to more Serbian speakers. Maybe you know an organisation, or machine learning study group, or just a group of students who would be willing to help? I would appreciate it if you could pass me any contacts that might be relevant.

Furthermore, we organise a sprint this coming weekend, where one can win quite attractive monetary rewards for high quality annotations. So, it’d be great if You could spread the word around, and help us promote it among Serbian speakers. One doesn’t have to be an ML expert to start. Details are here:


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